Beaufort Sea Seismic Data Package
According to a 1998 resource assessment by the National Energy Board (NEB) of Canada, the Mackenzie Delta and adjacent Beaufort Sea are estimated to contain one billion barrels of recoverable oil and nine Tcf of marketable gas. The NEB also estimates that an additional six billion barrels of oil and another 55 Tcf of gas are yet to be discovered in the region.
In 1981, Dome Petroleum acquired over 4000 kms of 48-fold seismic data in the Canadian Beaufort Sea, from the USA/Canada border to the Arctic Islands.
Most of the data was recorded to 8 seconds, using a 3200 m. cable and a 2000 psi. tuned airgun array.
Much of this survey is now only available in the Provincial archive as hardcopy stack sections, and many of the files are only available on microfilm.
Canesis Data has scanned and vectorised the entire available dataset to Seg-Y format.

The Beaufort Sea package (shown in blue, above) consists of 109 discrete seismic lines totalling approximatelly 4200 km.
The Offshore MacKenzie Delta package (shown in red, above) consists of 58 seismic lines totalling approximately 1180 km.