
Canesis, in collaboration with Petroscan Ltd., has 4 Indonesia seismic reconstruction projects currently available.
1. East Java Sea & Java onshore: 16,373 km offshore Java Sea and 2053 km onshore Java..
2. Sumatra Six projects offshore Sumatra totalling 13,029 km and one onshore Sumatra, 12122 km.
3. Natuna Basin 35,065 km in the Natuna area, plus data from 24 wells.
4. Tarakan Basin/Kutai Basin: 11,500 km seismic data and well data from 15 wells in the Tarakan and 14,570 km of seismic data and well data from 28 wells in the Kutai Basin.

East Java Sea

Map showing seismic data available in the East Java Sea area.


Map showing seismic and well log data available onshore and offshore Sumatra.

Natuna Basin

Map of seismic data available around the islands of Natuna.

East Kalimantan – Tarakan and Kutai Basins

Map showing seismic and well log data available in the area of East Kalimantan