Rif Foldbelt, Northern Morocco – Non-Proprietary Data Package

Until recently, the Rif Foldbelt of Northern Morocco attracted minimal interest from the international oil industry. However, the region holds a significant exploration potential due to the variety of play types at a number of different levels of the stratigraphy. A newly produced non-exclusive dataset from Canesis Data Limited is an invaluable tool in helping to understand this complex area.

The dataset consists of 1750 km of seismic data, scanned and vectorised to a very high standard, together with digitised well-log data from 11 wells and a 70 page geochemistry report.

Key Points – Data

  • The package contains 76 discrete seismic lines, some in stack and migrated versions. 94 SEG-Y sections in total.
  • Navigation co-ordinates are uploaded to the trace headers and side label information to the EBCDIC headers.
  • Log data is supplied in LAS format.
  • Geochemistry data is in the form of page images saved as a multipage .pdf file.

Key Points – Area Background

  • This is a rare example of a relatively unexplored Tethyan margin foldbelt.
  • In the past, efforts were concentrated on the, mainly small and often leaky, shallower frontal thrust prospects.
  • Huge areas of the north and east have never been drilled and there exists the potential for large, deep structures under Palaeogene flysch nappes.
  • There is evidence of high-grade liquid hydrocarbons in the form of surface seeps along trend with the platform margin. Analysis shows that the liquids emanate from 3 or more different source rocks.
  • Discoveries of biogenic gas in the foreland basin are indicative of its potential.
  • The stratigraphic column shows multiple examples of reservoir/seal combinations.
  • Promising targets exist in the Lower and Middle Jurassic in both clastic and carbonate facies and also in the Tertiary and Cretaceous in the form of turbidite sand bodies.

Seismic Lines and Digitised Well Log Locations

A more detailed downloadable mapproject listing and a datasheet in pdf format are available.

Simplified Tectonic Elements

Cross Section of the Rif Foldbelt Showing Main Plays