Rif Foldbelt, Northern Morocco – Non-Proprietary Data Package

Until recently, the Rif Foldbelt of Northern Morocco attracted minimal interest from the international oil industry. However, the region holds a significant exploration potential due to the variety of play types at a number of different levels of the stratigraphy. A newly produced non-exclusive dataset from Canesis Data Limited is an invaluable tool in helping to understand this complex area.
The dataset consists of 1750 km of seismic data, scanned and vectorised to a very high standard, together with digitised well-log data from 11 wells and a 70 page geochemistry report.
Key Points – Data
Key Points – Area Background
Seismic Lines and Digitised Well Log Locations

A more detailed downloadable map, project listing and a datasheet in pdf format are available.
Simplified Tectonic Elements

Cross Section of the Rif Foldbelt Showing Main Plays